Villány Wine District

1. day tour

In the morning, discover the painted coffered ceilings of the Ormánság churches in Kórós or Ador-jás or take a trip to the lookout tower on the top of Kopasz Hill near Csarnóta, from which there is a beautiful panorama of the Harkány area. Have lunch in one of the area’s inns and in the afternoon, you can choose between the pools of the Harkány Spa and Bath or a different wine-related excur-sion.

The local medicinal water offers therapy for a myriad of health problems, but if you simply want to relax, you can just enjoy the pools. If you choose the excursion, visit a winery in nearby Babarcszőlős or Túrony, where you can enjoy a cosy wine tasting at the end of the day.


2. day tour

Head for Villány on the second day but stop off on the way at the Reformed church in Nagy-harsány to admire the frescoes. Arriving in Villány, walk along the Ammonites study trail, either alone or with professional guidance, but be careful, because time flies when fossil hunting!

There is also a lookout at the top of Templom Hill, an easy hour’s walk away. Have lunch in Villány, get a feel for the place by walking the length of the cellar row, having a coffee or glass of wine and then visiting the Villány Wine Museum with renewed vigour in the afternoon, where you can learn about the history of the wine district, viticulture and winemaking, the area’s ethnography and finally, the traditions of the local wine confrerie.

Book dinner and accommodation in the same place at one of the local wineries, so you can enjoy an evening wine tasting there.


3. day tour

On the last day, visit the Tractor Museum in Újpetre, where you can explore agricultural machinery from the last century, then Szaporca and the Ős-Dráva Visitor Centre, after prior consultation and booking, where you can learn about the wildlife of the Dráva.

The visitor centre presents the life and traditions of Ormánság in an interactive exhibition, while the study trail guides visitors along swamps and open water surfaces, where you can observe the lives of waterfowl and other animals from viewing huts.

The best way to relax is on the terrace of a Kisharsány winery above the vineyards and below the forest, with jazz playing in the background as the spareribs cook. So, let’s bid fare-well to this inspiring wine district and its winemakers with a glass of Villányi Franc.


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