Balatonboglár Wine District

1. day tour

Call into the Árpád-era church in Gyugy, then visit the Saint Ladislaus National Memorial and its interactive exhibition in Somogyvár. Afterwards, you can walk through the woods to the ruins of the former abbey and the lookout, where half of Somogy will unfold before your eyes. Then go and explore and maybe have lunch in the Krishna Valley in Somogyvámos, so you can also discover their typical vegetarian cuisine. Then visit Dániel Berzsenyi’s former mansion in Nikla, which now houses a museum, followed by the poet’s imposing tomb in the Nikla cemetery. Finally, spend the afternoon in Kéthely at the wine cinema or on a wine picnic, followed by a tasting, cellar visit and wine dinner at a well-known local winery.


2. day tour

In the morning, visit Rádpuszta, where you can enjoy some equestrian activities, see the ruined church and visit the town’s winery for a tasting. Then the József Attila Memorial House in Balatonszárszó is worth a visit, followed by some well-deserved lunch in Balatonszemes. In the afternoon, you can visit the Africa Museum in Balatonlelle, but if your group would like something more cultural, you can substitute it with the Mihály Zichy Museum in Zala. The former house of the Russian tsar’s court painter is truly unique! Weather permitting, you can sail on Lake Balaton or bathe in the lake before sunset and then round off the day in Balatonlelle with a wine tasting and dinner at the region’s most famous sparkling wine cellar.


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