27 November 2024 / Hungarian Wine Marketing Agency Copy actual URL Facebook share Twitter share

Wines from 22 Hungarian wine districts sent to the Holy Father in Rome for Christmas!

Continuing the tradition of last year, we sent a special selection of Hungarian wines to Pope Francis as a Christmas gift.

Pál Rókusfalvy, Government Commissioner for National Wine Marketing, sent a total of 24 bottles of wine in two elegant gift boxes to the Holy Father as a Christmas gift through the Hungarian Wine Marketing Agency. The special selection includes a wine from each of Hungary’s 22 wine districts and, in view of the holidays, these were also complemented by two Hungarian wine specialties: a sweet Szamorodni and a 6 puttonyos Aszú.

The government commissioner also wrote a letter to Pope Francis through the Embassy of Hungary to the Holy See, expressing his good wishes and asking for the continued apostolic blessing of the head of the Church for the work of Hungarian winemakers. The consignment is on its way to Rome, but a short film about the finishing touches will give you a behind-the-scenes look.


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