Travel to the birth
of Hungarian wines

Every glass of wine bears the mark of the region which gave birth to it and the hard work of the person who made it.

Which is why wine is best experienced in the place where it was born. Tasted in the cellar, on the hillside and with the winemaker, who can tell of his worries and joys, the ins and outs of viticulture and long winter evenings spent in the cellar. And the tourist who devotes their time to this will find treasure hidden in every row of vines and handshake, and in every winery and glass. And if you get to know the person and the region behind the wine, you can keep traditions alive, which ultimately make us who we are. Wine is not just a drink, but also culture!



Discover the attractions of Hungary's wine regions!

Balaton Wine Region

Vibrance, wines, sails – and You. The largest lake in Central Europe is beautiful all year round. The beach awaits you in the summer, the peace and quiet in the winter.

Wine Districts: Badacsony Wine District, Balaton-Highlands Wine District, Balatonboglár Wine District, Balatonfüred-Csopak Wine District, Somló Wine District, Zala Wine District

Danube Wine Region

Flavours, wines, cellar rows – and You. Does it ever occur to you, as you travel through this landscape often flat as a pancake, to taste the local wines as well as visiting the myriad of attractions?

Wine Districts: Csongrád Wine District, Hajós-Baja Wine District, Kunság Wine District

Pannon Wine Region

Valleys, wines, sunshine – and You. The landscape is as diverse as the folk costumes of the people living here. The region boasts values from Roman times, the so-called Busó-Carnival and the castles of Siklós and Szigetvár.

Wine Districts: Pécs Wine District, Szekszárd Wine District, Tolna Wine District, Villány Wine District

Tokaj Wine Region

Vineyards, wines, heritage – and You. This wine region in the foothills of the Zemplén is not only all about the most famous sweet wines in the world, although the appeal of this drink is indisputably great.

Wine Districts: Tokaj Wine District

Upper Hungary Wine Region

Mountains, wines, history – and You. Did you know that you can look out over the vineyards from Eger Castle, while there is a cellar row just a short walk from the thermal spa in Bogács? Tokaj Wine Region

Wine Districts: Bükk Wine District, Eger Wine District, Mátra Wine Disctrict

Upper Pannon Wine Region

Faith, wines, culture – and You. The ethnic, historical and cultural mosaics of the five wine districts of this region which lie relatively distant from each other make it both exciting and diverse.

Wine Districts: Etyek-Buda Wine District, Mór Wine District, Neszmély Wine District, Pannonhalma Wine District, Sopron Wine District

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A UFO has landed in Tokaj!

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Kerekdomb for the ninth time!

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Hungary's largest wine bar, Lake Balaton itself, is open!

Hungary's largest wine bar, Lake Balaton itself, is open!

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What will become of here? Dune trekking by camel?

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