Our wine-growing and cellars are located in the Káli-medence at Köveskál, on the southern side of the volcanic Fekete Hill, based on an old family business, where the tradition of viniculture and wine-making is still being passed from father to son. At present we produce different type of grapes like Olaszrizling, Furmint, Riesling, Szürkebarát, Tramini, Juhfark, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon, Kékfrankos, Syrah on 18 hectares area. On the newest land of our vineyard we are growing Furmint grape, which was also a main type in the region before the vine-pest. We set through severe sprout- and bunch-selection the ideal quantity of yield, to the best quality of grapes could be harvested. We are not using any strong chemicals, insecticide and herbicide to insure the maximum protection of our plants. Our aim is to reach the biological balance of the grape. Our wines are made with modern methods and technologies but ageing the wine in a traditional wooden barrel and make it over in a bottle
Balaton-felvidék Wine District
max. 8 ppl
max. 1 ppl
Red wines
Sparkling wines
White wines
High season opening (December 21. - August 31.)
Out of season opening (September 1. - December 20.)