THE VINEYARDSWe produce wines from our self-established, 100-hectare vineyard in Eger wine region.We harvest grapes from the perfect terrain of Nagy-Eged, Mezei-Öreg, Áfrika, Vidra and Mészhegy hills of Eger; the Tekenőhát, Kőkötő and Csókás hills of Noszvaj; the Juszalagos hill of Novaj; and the Nagyvölgy-tető hill of Szomolya.THE CELLAROur winery is located in Noszvaj, 12 km from the center of Eger. The 2,000 m2 cellar, which was once an estate manor, was carved out by hand into the volcanic tuff mountain. We extended the old cellar with a new, 2,200 m2 cellar system that was also carved into the volcanic tuff hill, but with a machine. The temperate and balanced climate of the cellar provides ideal conditions for wine aging.THE TECHNOLOGYEvery year we renew our technology with internationally recognized modern and superior quality equipment. This is not only true for our winery but also for our viticulture.
Eger Wine District
max. 8 ppl
White wines
Red wines
Sparkling wines
Opening hours