We have been involved in viticulture and winemaking for almost 30 years. The family has always had a great tradition of making wines from their own grapes. We have carried on this tradition and developed our winery to this day. Our cellar and processor is located in the Banyászó vineyard of the village of Szőlősgyörök. Our plantations are located in the Balatonbolgár wine region, on the vineyards of Balatonboglár, Szőlőskislak and Szőlősgyörök. We currently farm 25 acres. Our most significant white grape varieties are Királyleányka, Italian Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Rizlingszilváni. In terms of blue grapes, thanks to the young plantations, we can also harvest Merlot, Kékfrankos, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Noir varieties. Our goal is to produce wines of outstanding quality. Most varieties are marketed on their own and we strive to create high quality through blends. Outstanding among our white wines is Királyleányka, which has gained a wide reputation in recent years.
Balatonboglár Wine District
White wines
Red wines